Complet list of 1t5m air fileClick here to see the 3D structure Complete list of 1t5m.air file
AA  C       #      ACC_c      ACC_i        IFR
TRP A       2    341.668    341.668      0.000
ASP A       4    166.556    166.556      0.000
THR A       5    160.253    160.253      0.000
GLY A       6     95.380     95.380      0.000
ASP A       8    225.732    225.732      0.000
ASP A      10    205.087    205.087      0.000
GLY A      11    131.123    131.123      0.000

total accessible area chain A=    1325.79858
total accessible area complex =    1325.79858